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Procurement Analytics – RAS Consulting

Procurement Analytics

Procurement Contract Enforcement by contract, by vendor, by product/service:

  1. Compare unit cost spent/paid  vs. unit cost in contract; identify deviances;
  2. “Preprocessing” of Data; billed invoice data from vendor in TBD flat file format vs. contract standard; accept, reject, exception results.
  3. Compare SLA adherence to contract vs. actual (SLAs for on-time delivery, turn-around time, substitutions, defect %, etc., TBD).

Benchmark above ratios by same/different:

  • industry/vertical
  • geographic region US, international,
  • size of entity (by headcount range; 0-500 employees, 501 to 1,000, 1001 to 2,000, 2,000-5,000, 5,001-10,000, 10,001 to 20,000, 20,001-35,000, 35,001-50,000, 50,001-100,000, 100,001-200,000 and by additional 100,000 intervals)

Benchmarking requires the following data be provided by each entity by region/office and by Business Unit/Cost Center (if available):

  • Total headcount
  • Total revenue generating headcount
  • Total non-generating headcount
  • Total employee costs revenue, non-revenue generating, all headcount
  • Spend by category, sub category
  • Spend by vendor in total and by individual commodity/service
  • Contracted unit costs, SLAs by commodity/service category and individual by vendor